Saturday, September 4, 2010

C! and Union Bank’s GT+R Track Day

Last Saturday was the C! and Union Bank’s GT+R Track day where they awarded winners in their promo “Unionbank’s Frand Free Autocross” at C!’s 2010 Annual Buyer’s Guide. Twelve of their winners were awarded PHP 20,000, PHP 75,000 off on their auto loan (if they choose to avail of a loan at Union Bank to buy a car), and a year’s subscription of the C! magazine.

Participants were asked to sign waivers for the protection of the drivers and the expensive cars (Mercedes Benz’s E series, a Subaru sedan, a Hyundai Eclipse, a BMW 523i and a Nissan Sentra). Winners were given free racing lessons by professionals from Orange Performance so that a car insurance like the 5th wheel insurance wouldn’t have to be used.

The Unionbank GT+R (Great Treats + Rewards) auto loan is positioned as a high performance auto loan in terms of exciting perks and benefits, great rates and ultra-long terms of up to 72 months on select car models.
