Thursday, January 10, 2013

"Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle" by Michael Cusick | Book Review

One of the best books I read last year was "Surfing for God: Discovering the Divine Desire Beneath Sexual Struggle" by Michael Cusick, thus, this book review.  The subtitle describes the book so well, because the book will help its readers understand sexual or porn addiction, and struggles by digging deeper and seeing sexual brokenness as more than "seeking and experiencing pleasure" but reaching "toward something we cannot see, touch, or comprehend on the physical level", (Chapter 2). It moves from merely understanding the inner struggle towards breaking free from the bondage of pornography and sexual sin.

Michael Cusick's "Surfing for God" is very straightforward, coming from an author who was a former hostage to pornography but clearly explains sexual addiction and filtering it through proper biblical context backed up with scientific research, particularly what I like most about it.  But most importantly, this book shows practical direction  to help set free strugglers and help them fully enjoy the grace of the good news of God.

I highly recommend "Surfing for God"to both men and women, young and old, especially those who are regularly online, knowing that so much temptation is faced in front of a computer, tablet or mobile device each moment of being online.  The temptation is as strong as standing on a peerless mount with a barrage of arrows targeting all of us.

Consider these statistics:
**25% of search engine requests are for pornography – 68 million per day.
**70% of the hits on Internet sex sites occur between 9-5 on business computers.
**Over 50 percent of evangelical pastors report they viewed pornography last year.
**Over 70% of Christian men report viewing pornography in the last year.

So take time to read Surfing for God and break free from internet pornography.
