Friday, November 27, 2020

5 Tips to Choose the Best Home Furnace


When you’re in the market to buy a new home furnace, there are a lot of things you need to consider. Your budget and the capability of your home are just a few. Knowing a little bit about the logistics of a furnace and your efficiency expectations can help you to make the best decision for your home furnace, and you don’t have to make it alone. Sure, you could pick your own furnace, but you can also enlist the help of professionals like Entek to give you more confidence in your decision-making. With our expertise, finding the best home furnace can be a breeze.

If you’re looking for the best home furnace, here are a few tips that can help you make the right decision.

1. Know Your Preferred Fuel Source

There are a few different fuel sources available when you invest in a furnace. The best one for you will depend on what type of fuel your home is already piped to use and how much you’re willing to spend. The right unit will take both of these things into account, while also heating your home effectively.

The most common type of fuel used to heat homes is natural gas, as it’s used in about 57 percent of American homes. It produces heat quickly and is often the most cost-effective, as opposed to oil, which can increase your costs by up to 50 percent. This is a great option for most homes, as natural gas is easy to access when you need more fuel. Still, some homes don’t have the proper hookups to have a gas furnace and will require another option to heat their home.

For people who aren’t able to have a gas furnace, electric furnaces are a good alternative. The cost to have this type of furnace installed is much cheaper up-front than gas-fueled furnaces, but they often cost more over time. Their energy-efficiency is also less impressive than some of the other options.

The most environmentally friendly option is solar energy. It’s a great way to power your furnace, though, again, the up-front costs can be quite high. Look into the variety of fuel options and what your house can allow before making a final decision on the best home furnace for you.

2. Invest in an Energy-Efficient Model

Many people are overpaying to have their homes heated every year, but not necessarily because their homes are bigger or harder to heat. A lot of it has to do with the unit’s energy-efficiency. Older units and units that aren’t maintained well can cause your energy bill to increase. Having an energy-efficient home furnace can help you cut costs significantly.

If you’re trying to find a furnace that has good energy-efficiency, looking up the AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) can help. Each furnace has an AFUE rating that’s expressed in a percentage. The higher the AFUE percentage, the more efficient the unit will be. You can also opt to purchase a newer, high-efficiency unit to be sure you’re getting a unit with great efficiency. These units use around 30 percent less fuel and energy than older furnaces and can also be much quieter.

3. Find the Right Size

When it comes to buying a new home furnace, size matters. Purchasing a furnace that’s too small will lead to a much higher energy bill, as the furnace won’t be able to heat the home properly. This will cause it to run more often. On the other hand, purchasing a unit that’s too large can waste money on fuel you don’t need when your money could be better spent elsewhere. There’s a specific way to figure out what size furnace is best for you, and doing some research beforehand can save you a lot of money down the road.

The heating factor of a unit is measured using BTUs (British Thermal Units), which refers to the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of a pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. To find this number, you’ll need to know the geographic climate zone for your area as well as the square footage of your home to find the perfect furnace. Together, they will lead you to the proper BTU for your new unit. For a much easier experience, you can also check what your old furnace’s BTU is, which will be marked on the unit, or enlist the help of local professionals. Note that if your current furnace isn’t the correct size for your space, you’ll want to adjust the BTUs accordingly.

4. Consider Your Overall Budget

When you’re looking into finding the best home furnace, your budget will play a large role. No one wants to spend more than is necessary to properly heat their home, but there is more to account for than the cost of the unit itself. If you’re in the market for a new furnace, remember that, sometimes, the cheapest unit can cost you more in the long run.

A cheaper unit doesn’t necessarily mean a cheaper way to heat your home. If the unit isn’t energy-efficient or isn’t large enough to properly heat your home, you’ll pay much more than you could with a newer, more energy-efficient unit. This may happen through having to buy more fuel, having to buy more expensive fuel, or having to run your unit for longer periods of time. When you’re considering your budget, you have to take this into account. There are plenty of ways to stay within budget, without skimping on the quality of your unit. They just might take time to even out.

5. Consult an HVAC technician

It’s possible to find the best furnace for your home on your own. Still, many people find comfort in asking professionals for their opinion. Professionals have decades worth of expertise in their fields and are aware of the positives and negatives that go along with every unit. They can take into account your overall budget, the fuel options, and the size of your home to recommend a choice that’s optimal. Because buying a new furnace can be a large investment, HVAC technicians are the most qualified to give you their educated opinions. Choosing the best home furnace is made easier when you have the help of knowledgeable professionals.
