Monday night is our church's second game in the Summer Basketball Challenge organized by the leaders of ministries who were participants in the RPG Metanoia Summer Youth Camp. I wasn't able to play in our first game because I was in Bohol with my family.

We had basketball jerseys made for our selected youth and young professionals who made it through our try outs but we haven't had enough playing time as a team to say that we have really established cohesion. But I am confident that we have a chance because we have players who are mentally fit for the tournament and physically ready that they seem to have had taken fenphedrine. We do not have a complete line up on Monday that's why it is vital to play together as a team to win.

We had basketball jerseys made for our selected youth and young professionals who made it through our try outs but we haven't had enough playing time as a team to say that we have really established cohesion. But I am confident that we have a chance because we have players who are mentally fit for the tournament and physically ready that they seem to have had taken fenphedrine. We do not have a complete line up on Monday that's why it is vital to play together as a team to win.
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